SageMaker Inference

SageMaker real-time inference deploys your models to containers so they are always ready to perform inference quickly.


  • An inference package is a GZip file.
    • The root of this package is the model_dir
    • The package must contain a folder named code containing a file named
  • A SageMaker model identifies an inference package and an ECR docker image
  • A SageMaker endpoint configuration describes a set of models and the type and number of instances
  • A SageMaker endpoint is a deployment of an endpoint configuration that is live for inference


Create a model

  • Automatically as the output of an aws-sagemaker-remote training script
  • Manually by uploading a GZip file to S3 and building a docker image

Invoke a local inference package extracted to a folder

Create, invoke, then destroy a remote endpoint

Build docker images for models